How to Get a Gorgeous Babe

John Disney
7 min readOct 5, 2022

What Attractive Women Want (For Single Men Only)

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Okay guys, now that we got that taken care of, let’s talk man-to-man. The audience I’m writing to will be between the ages of 25 to 55, educated, moderately conservative, and somewhat good looking. If you are outside of those parameters, some of what is written probably won’t apply very well to your single-man situation. You may be saying, what makes this guy an expert on getting attractive women?

Well, let me tell you I’m married now and older, but I haven’t always looked like this. Much of my adult life, I was a single guy with well-above average looks. I’ve had fiancés, marriages, and many very good-looking girlfriends in my life. If that is not enough experience for you, I have a graduate degree, read at least 25 books on psychology, with 8–10 being related to relationships. What I’m about to tell you is a super compact version of what I learned being single for over 30 years (not including ages 1–18).

Let’s start off by saying, “Dating” is not as complicated as it seems, and women are less complex than what most books and articles say. They are not that big of a mystery, and if you listen carefully, I’ll reveal to you what they are all about and what they desire from a man. Before we go into the meat of this article, it's not written for men just looking to get “laid”, rather is geared toward the



John Disney

Public Speaker, Investment Manager, Social Media Influencer & YouTube Self-Improvement Entertainer: