Very Scary Scenario — Global Collapse

John Disney
5 min readApr 21, 2022

What happens next with the global economy is frightening

Although 2022 was supposed to be the year (Post-Pandemic) that our nation’s economy was to normalize and stabilize, the fact is that this has only occurred in a small way. We are now on our 6th variant of the Coronavirus and although mask mandates are going away, the virus itself is not. The labor market is indeed better however, which is a glimmer of sunlight in the dark clouds.

Additionally, we have seen a somewhat moderate economic growth renewal in our overall productivity; however, with the constraints of The Fed’s rate hikes and a lingering supply chain issue…it appears this may be a short-lived revival in growth. To insert another wrench in the cogs of the spinning economic wheel, you can add the situation in The Ukraine and our own political reorganization within congress and more. To add even another wrench [or blockage] to the mix, you have the out-of-control situation with inflation (tied to rate hikes of course). What this is doing to the stock market is an on-again/off-again scenario. One day we feel there is a bull market, then next we feel the bear market is well underway. Crude oil prices being this high, due mainly to global market trading of the commodity, is not helping matters regarding a stabilized or normalized economy.



John Disney

Public Speaker, Investment Manager, Social Media Influencer & YouTube Self-Improvement Entertainer: